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انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شباب وصبايا لنك
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مشرفين من كلا الجنسين
شباب وصبايا لنك
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

A Letter of Love

اذهب الى الأسفل

A Letter of Love Empty A Letter of Love

مُساهمة  MEMO90 10/12/09, 10:13 pm

A Letter of Love Love

There isn't always enough time to say and do the things that we would like to do in life. Before you know it, the years pass by so suddenly. So, I thought I would take this time to tell you how much I love you.

I realize that living with me can be difficult at times; and for your patience and understanding I thank you. Sometimes I have wondered why you put up with me, what it is about me that you find so attractive, why you stay with me. But, day upon day, and year upon year you have proven your faithful devotion to me again and again. And, for that I thank you.

When I have been discouraged or weak or sick, you were there. When I was broken and battered and confused, you were there. When I was confused and defeated and could not love myself, you were there. In all these ways you have loved me.

I have not always known how to show love. Before I met you I never thought I would be able to love again. But, you have inspired me. There is something about you that has forever changed me and my heart. I have found the capacity within to love you and every day I love you more.

I love you because of your smile and your laughter and your encouraging words. I love you because of all the sacrifices you make for me. I love you because of your unflinching commitment to me. I love you because... you love me.

I hope that you can understand that there is a place beyond words and emotions where the expression of my love for you dwells. I can scarcely define for you how very much I love you and the words seem to only scratch the surface. But know, that my love for you is real and growing and deeper and richer every day. I am so grateful that God has given you to me as a gift.

Through you I have found love and learned to love again.

I love you.

عدد المساهمات : 160
نقاط : 18654
تقييم الأعضاء للمشاركات : 97
تاريخ التسجيل : 05/05/2009
العمر : 33

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